A、They are having a friendly chat. B、One is interviewing the other. C、They are talking about each other’s family. D、One is askin

admin2010-05-26  19

W: First of all, I’d like you to tell me a bit about what you’ve been doing.
M: Well, I left school after I’d done my A-levels.
W: What subjects did you take?
M: French, German and Art.
W: Art?
M: Well, I really wanted to study Art. But a friend of my father’s offered me a job; he’s an accountant in the city.
W: I see. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that?
M: Well, to be quite honest, I didn’t like it so I got a place at the Art Conllege a year ago.
W: Did your father mind?
M: Well, he was rather disappointed at first. He’s an accountant too, you see.
W: Have you any brothers or sisters?
M: Two brothers, hot}, at school. One’s eleven, the other’s fifteen—taking his O-levels this year.
W: Right. What do you do in your spare time?
M: I like jazz and folk music; I go to the theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I read quite a lot, and I’ve done a bit of photography. Also, I’ve travelled a lot-hitch-hiked all over Europe.
W: Very interesting, Mr. Plant. I think that’s all I wanted to ask about your background.

选项 A、They are having a friendly chat.
B、One is interviewing the other.
C、They are talking about each other’s family.
D、One is asking about the other’s family background.


解析 综合理解判断题。从这些信息I’d like you to tell me a bit about what you’ve been doing;In your application;that’s all wanted to ask about your background可以判断出二人是在进行工作面试。
