Anger often makes us uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable to witness and uncomfortable to feel. Witnessing your child’s anger can b

admin2015-07-05  20

问题     Anger often makes us uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable to witness and uncomfortable to feel. Witnessing your child’s anger can be especially uncomfortable. In order to【C1】______this feeling, parents will often encourage children to "stop crying".
    The "stop crying" parent is just doing what they were taught by their own parents. While telling your child to "stop crying" is【C2】______child abuse in itself, your child may still need help with depression,【C3】______, or other issues later in life. This cycle can be stopped, however, if we learn how to create healthier anger in our kids, and in ourselves.
    To understand why stuffing emotions away is unhealthy, think of emotions like they are【C4】______wounds. When you cut your finger, your body knows to【C5】______blood vessels and release white blood cells. In order to let your cut finger heal, you’ve got to let the body’s natural process work. Like the body, the psyche knows what needs to happen to【C6】______the emotional wounds. To let your mind heal, you’ve got to let yourself go through a healing process as well. If you don’t let yourself heal, whenever a similar event happens in your life, the old emotions will【C7】______and cause you pain. Until you learn to examine your feelings and let them go, they’ll act like cuts that never close.
    When we find our anger too uncomfortable to process and let go, we set that model for our children to copy. If a child never sees his or her parent express anger, the parent teaches that child that they, too, should never express anger. Or, if a parent always expresses his/her anger loudly and【C8】______, the child may start to think of anger as something that is always frightening.
    The first thing you can do to create healthier anger in your children is to practice creating healthier anger in yourself. Try mindfulness exercises to start feeling more comfortable when being angry. It’s our【C9】______to anger that often makes our anger worse. Once you’re better at experiencing anger and expressing it in a【C10】______way, you’ll be able to model a good anger style for your kids.
A) accept I) heal
B) addiction J) heartedly
C) relieve K) emerge
D) emotional L) pessimistic
E) healthy M) resistance
F) physical N) express
G) tighten O) hurtfully
H) insistence



解析 空格处位于系动词are和名词wounds之间,由此可推断此处应填入形容词。根据上下文可以推测出空格所在句的意思是“要了解强行压制情绪为什么不健康,你可以把情绪想象成是______创伤”,空格处后一句明确说明了“手指受伤”,由此可推知,这里要说的是“身体上的创伤”,故答案为F)physical“身体的”。剩下的两个形容词E)healthy“健康的”和L)pessimistic“消极的”与上下文语义不符,故均排除。
