A、The man regrets being absent-minded. B、The woman saved the man some trouble. C、The man placed the reading list on a desk. D、Th

admin2012-05-17  31

W: Hey, Mark, have you been able to sell your old piano yet?
M: Ah, you are right, just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn’t enough. I think I’ll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.
Q: What are the two people talking about?
M: I wish I hadn’ t thrown away that reading list!
W: I thought you might regret it. That’ s why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man regrets being absent-minded.
B、The woman saved the man some trouble.
C、The man placed the reading list on a desk.
D、The woman emptied the waste paper basket.


解析 推理判断题.预测选项可以判断对话内容可能与谈论女士帮助男士解决问题有关。A是说男士后悔自己走神,心不在焉;C是说男士把参考目录放在桌子上了,此项与谈论男士出了错误,女士帮助解决没有关系,故可以排除;D是说女士倒了垃圾桶,此选项与谈论解决问题没有关系,可以暂时排除,听音时重点应放在女士回答上,I thought you might regret it.That’s why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.男士对扔掉了参考书目表示后悔,女士说早就料到他会后悔,所以帮他把参考书目从废纸篓里捡出来放在桌子上了,可见女士帮助男士解决了麻烦,因此选B。
