
admin2015-11-27  52

问题     教育是培养人的社会活动,是人类自身发展所必需的,也是人类社会得以发展的必要条件。一个国家的发展强盛,从根本上说取决于其国民素质,而国民素质的提高,关键靠教育。如果说教育是国家的基石,教师就是奠基者。中华民族要实现伟大的复兴,就要重视和发展教育,这就对教师及教师职业提出了新的要求。厚德方能载物,不断提高现代教师的职业道德修养水平,是建设有中国特色社会主义教育事业的一个重要方面。


答案Education, as a social activity to cultivate people, is essential to the development of human beings, and it also serves as the prerequisite for the advancement of human society. Basically, the development and prosperity of a particular country depends on the quality of its people, which can be improved by education. If education is the foundation of a nation, teachers are the founders. Education should be emphasized and promoted for the rejuvenation of Chinese nation, which brings about new requirements for teachers, both as individuals and as a career. Great trust can only be given to people with self-discipline and social commitment. In this way, the improvement of teachers’ professional ethics in modern time serves as an important aspect in the cause of socialism education with Chinese characteristics.

解析 1.第一句较长,需根据逻辑关系进行翻译。其中前半部分“教育是培养人的社会活动”阐明了教育的定义,后半部分“是人类自身发展所必需的,也是人类社会得以发展的必要条件”指出了教育所起的重要作用。翻译时可以使用介词短语作插入语的方式引出教育的定义,再通过is essential to和serves as the prerequisite来表示“必需的”和“必要条件”,此处应注意语言的多样性,宜采用不同的句式来表达。
3.第四句中的“教师及教师职业”可以用both as individuals and as a career后置,进行补充说明。
4.第五句较长,可以拆分成两句进行翻译。先谈“厚德载物”,再谈“厚德载物”与“现代教师的职业道德修养水平”之间的关系。需要注意的是,两句之间存在逻辑联系,可以使用In this way来进行衔接。翻译成语“厚德载物”时,首先要明确其在文本中的含义:道德高尚的人能够承担起重大的任务。此处可以采用意译法,用self-discipline and social commitment来表示“厚德”,用great trust can only be given to sb.来表示“载物”。
