Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then inter

admin2009-04-27  17

问题     Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.


答案 The drawing shows that hundreds of thousands of graduated students are trying their best to climb the "job mountain" so that they can get a job in big cities. The competition among them is becoming so fierce because there are so many graduates with various kinds of certificates. Actually, the drawing implies a trend in our society today. Lured by the prosperity and more working opportunities of big cities, most graduates try to swarm into those cities and get o satisfactory job there. However, there are fewer jobs in big cities in comparison with an ever-increasing number of graduates. Some graduates choose to attend different kinds of classes expecting to get as many certificates as possible. Some work hard to equip themselves with such skills as computer operation and English writing. They hope they may win the acceptance of interviewers who can provide them with a good working opportunity. But the results are often disappointing. Many graduates either fail to get a lab or get one with law pay and bad working environment. In fad, there is another opportunity waiting for them—go to the west and make a career. In the west of Chi-ha, people don’t have to face so much competition and pressure as in the big cities. The west provides more opportunities for graduates to spread their wings and contribute themselves to our society. Thus it’s much easier for them to become distinguished and successful. In sum, western regions need graduated students very badly;at the same time, graduates need more space to exert their knowledge and abilities. So graduates should change their mindset and go to the west to seek a bright future.

解析     本文是图画式现象解释型作文。图中是一座由"能力,素质,技能"等堆起的山,山顶是人人都向往的工作岗位。成千上万的人手里举着各类证书,企图爬上山顶。但山看起来很陡,只有个别人大汗淋漓,挂在半山腰。图画左上角有四句话:证书繁多学历高.自我感觉还良好,向往城市大公司,怎奈人多岗位少。在山根处,有一条通往西部的道路。图中寓意非常清楚:大多数毕业生向往去大城市工作,但现实是毕业生多而岗位少。虽然他们努力获取各种证书,学习不同的技能,但也并非总是如愿以偿。因此毕业生们应该转变观念,目光放远一些。现在国家正在开发西部,那里需要人才,也能为人才提供更广阔的发展空间,毕业生在那里具有极大的发展潜力。因此去西部发展可成为毕业生们一个不错的选择。本文可首先对图画进行描述,然后指出大城市就业竞争激烈这一现象,提出毕业生们应该转变思路,并用一些例证及阐述来证明此观点,在结尾处,则应该重达观点,首尾呼应,自然得出结论。
