A study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking suggests that artificial intelligence holds a promising future in he

admin2022-11-16  69

问题     A study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking suggests that artificial intelligence holds a promising future in helping people with social anxiety feel more comfortable.
    Researchers asked 100 university students whether they would prefer training with a robot or a human partner in table tennis. Participants were asked to consider the hypothetical scenario of a table tennis training center that offers either a professional human or robotic training partner that has been in practice for 6 months. People with higher social anxiety were more likely to prefer training with the robot than a human trainer and felt more relaxed with a robot trainer.
    Robots with artificial intelligence who can play and train others in sports are a reality: A table tennis robot named FORPHEUS by Omron already can play table tennis with humans. The robot uses high-speed and high-accuracy synchronized sensing to remember and determine the other player’s table tennis level. It observes how the player swings the racket, tracks ball movement, and adjusts its response to the player’s level. FORPHEUS simultaneously detects movements of the ball, player, and racket. There are also badminton-playing robots: Kengoro in Japan and Robomintoner in China.
    In previous research on human-robot interaction, people have been less willing to adopt service or companion robots due to the perception that robots lack emotions. People also become uncomfortable with robots when they are too humanlike. The more robots resemble humans, the more humans feel that the robot is creepy. In contrast, this study suggests that people, particularly those with social anxiety, may be more willing to train in sports with robots than with humans, providing a helpful path forward.
    Social anxiety can be rooted in fear of negative judgment from others and lead to more social isolation or avoidance of normal and healthy activities. The use of AI robots has the potential to help people with social anxiety access training. The use of technology to remove this barrier can be the first step toward more positive and less fearful interactions with others and encouraging a positive feedback loop.
    This study is limited because it focuses on AI robots in the area of table tennis training and also is a questionnaire about a hypothetical situation, even though the actual technology exists. Additional research that examines actual human-robot experiences and their choices and attitudes about this technology will increasingly become important to illuminate the human-robot relationship. One can imagine how AI robots could be integrated into the traditional treatment for social anxiety and how such novel technology can encourage and support activities for health and wellness.
Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this passage?

选项 A、AI robots that can play in sports are a reality.
B、People resist working with unfeeling robots.
C、The human-robot relationship is getting better.
D、AI robots may help people with social anxiety.


解析 本题考查全文的主旨大意。文章开篇便提出主题:人工智能在帮助社交焦虑症患者方面具有广阔的前景。所以正确答案一定包含人工智能与社会焦虑两方面的信息,四个选项中满足条件的只有D项,故为答案。AJ机器人可以参加体育运动已成为事实是第三段的主旨,并非全文的主旨,可排除A项。原文提及在之前的研究中,人们认为机器人缺乏情感,不太愿意选用服务型或伙伴型机器人,这只是第四段的信息,并非全文的主旨,故排除B项。第六段提及,检验实际人机交互经历的其他研究,以及这些研究对AI这项技术的选择和态度,对于阐明人与机器人之间的关系将变得越来越重要,这说明以后的研究会更多地指向人机关系的阐明,但这并非全文主旨,故排除C项。
