
admin2016-12-27  76

问题     《中庸》里面说:“好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。”这里所说的“知耻近乎勇”中的“耻”其实是人之为人的一个文明指标。人类文明的表现之一是要有羞耻心,也可以叫“羞恶之心”。孟子讲:“无恻隐之心,非人也;无羞恶之心,非人也;无辞让之心,非人也;无是非之心,非人也。”


答案A saying in The Doctrine of the Mean goes, " Love of knowledge is the characteristic of men of intellectual character. Strenuous attention to conduct is the characteristic of men of moral character. Sensitiveness to shame is the characteristic of men of courage or heroic character. " The "shame" in "Sensitiveness to shame is the characteristic of men of courage or heroic character" is actually an indicator of civilization that makes the distinction between human beings and other animals. One symbol of human civilization is to possess a feeling of shame, or " the sense of shame for evil deeds. " Mencius said, " A man who has no sense of compassion is nonhuman; a man who has no sense of shame is nonhuman; a man who has no sense of modesty is nonhuman; a man who has no sense of right and wrong is nonhuman. The sense of compassion is to be sympathetic for others; that is " forbearance," meaning " don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. " The sense of modesty is to behave civilly and politely; the sense of right and wrong is to know the fairness and justice of a society; the sense of shame is to know "the sense of shame for evil deeds. " According to Mencius, these four senses are the " four origins," the origins of being a human. Without these four origins, a man cannot be called a human being, but would be "non-human" as Mencius said. The significance of the "four origins" in our world is pretty evident. Nowadays, it is rare to find sympathy in our society. Is trying to avoid erroneous judgment the only reason for standing by while others are in mortal danger? In my opinion, it is due to an absence of the sense of right and wrong, of justice, sympathy and compassion. Therefore, I believe that the senses of order, justice, honesty and shame, the values, which originate from the most fundamental values of Chinese culture, should be the common values in our society.(Liu Mengxi)

