A line in a song asks, "does anyone really know what time it is?" This question could easily apply to calendars! Did you know th

admin2014-01-13  31

问题     A line in a song asks, "does anyone really know what time it is?" This question could easily apply to calendars! Did you know that our ideas about time are affected by religion? Different faiths use different types of calendars to measure time.
    Odd structures, such as Stonehenge in England, may have been used to measure time long ago. These ancient rocks stand in a circle like large, gray Legos. Some people think that the rocks relate to the position of the sun. No one knows how people moved them into this information, but it was probably a lot of work. If it was a calendar, it sure was a big one! The Aztecs also had a rock calendar that was related to the sun. They had a Sun Stone that showed their sun god in the center.
    The calendar you are probably most familiar is also based on the sun. The powerful Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, first adopted the solar calendar in 46 B. C. The cycle of the year in a solar calendar is measured from one equinox to the next. A solar calendar has to be adjusted every so often to keep in time with the sun. In 1582, Pope Gregory XII I first authorized taking a few days out of every year for the purpose of adjusting the calendar. People didn’t like this one bit because they thought they were losing time! It took centuries for Europeans to get used to this concept.
    Eventually, a system was worked out to add a single day to the calendar every four years. So it was synchronized with the seasons. The extra day made every fourth year 366 days long. These special years are called leap years, and we called the extra day to the month of February. If you know someone whose birthday is February 29, you know that he or she was born in a leap year. This calendar is called the Gregorian calendar, and it is used in the United States and other Christian countries.
    Muslims use a different kind of calendar. Their lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and it is completely different than a solar one. According to the Muslim holy book, the Koran, Allah said, "Truly, twelve months is the number of the months with God, according to the God’s Book, ever since He created heaven and Earth. " A new Muslim month does not start until two reliable witnesses have seen the new moon. Muslim families often take walks in the evening to find the first yellow slice of the new moon to start Ramadan, their month-long fast.
The verb "synchronize"(Line 2, Paragraph 4)probably means______.

选项 A、to cause to occur four days later
B、to cause to happen four days earlier
C、to happen beforehand or afterwards
D、to cause to happen at the same time


解析 词义推断题。定位在文章第四段。段中提及农历2月29号四年出现一次的原因。这样是为了保证每年的季节和日期都是相对应的,不会出现季节和日期错乱不对应的情况。由此可推知,“synchronize”意为“使合拍,使同步”。故答案为D。
