Write an essay based on the following table. In your essay, you should (1)interpret the table, and (2)give your comments. You sh

admin2015-06-22  23

问题 Write an essay based on the following table. In your essay, you should
(1)interpret the table, and
(2)give your comments.
You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2.(15 points)


答案 Rise in Chinese people’s Lifespan It is interesting to observe that the lifespan of us Chinese people has been on a steady increase over the past 60 years. Back in the 1940s, people in our country lived to be only 45 on average. But 20 years late, 15 years were added to this life expectancy. This rising trend continued in the following years and the latest census indicates that the lifespan of China has risen to 73. How should we account for this great change? First of all, the living conditions in our country have become increasingly better, which is the material foundation for a long lifespan. Secondly, China has made great progress in medical technology and many diseases are no longer so mortal as before. Equally important, China, with its comprehensive national strength improving, is better able to deal with natural disasters and avoid wars. It is good to see this rise in our life expectancy. And there is good reason to believe that we will live even longer. But together with the longer lifespan will be a greater number of senile people. How to address the needs of more old people is gradually becoming a daunting challenge for our whole society.

解析     第一段开头一句是粗线条地告诉读者这几个数据反映了什么趋势。然后是三句话简要描述了中国人不同年代的不同寿命。
