How long would the man’s suggestion probably come into effect?

admin2022-09-29  133

问题 How long would the man’s suggestion probably come into effect?
M:My suggestion to cut expenses is to reduce bonuses by 30% for the next 3 months.
W:But,Tom,those bonuses help motivate our sales staff, and well-motivated sales help bring in more new accounts for the company. They won’t like this,especially considering their vacation days were already cut a couple of days ago.
M:We’ll explain to them that it’s only a short-term measure. I think they will understand.
Number 41.How long would the man’s suggestion probably come into effect?
Number 42.Why does the woman think the staff will not probably accept the suggestion?
Number 43.What is the man’s primary concern?

选项 A、They are motivated by bonuses.
B、They have already lost another benefit.
C、They may be worried that they will lose their salary.
D、They will not have the chance to get promoted.


解析 题干问的是为什么女士觉得员工们会不接受男士的建议。根据对话可知,员工们的假期已经在逐渐削减,如果再降低他们的红利的话,那么员工们肯定是不会接受的,A选项中虽然出现了motivate,bonuses这些词,但是是用来混淆考生的,B选项意为“他们已经失去了另一个福利”,与对话相符,故选B。
