From: Samantha Appleby ( To: Vestiture Employees (employees®vestiture,com> Subject:

admin2011-02-28  35

问题 From:            Samantha Appleby (
To:              Vestiture Employees (employees®vestiture,com>
Subject:          Information Technology Conference
Sent:            April 10,10:20 a.m.
Vestiture Employees.
This is a reminder for all employees that the Third Annual Information Technology Conference registration deadline is approaching. The conference will feature prominent speakers from the industry and will introduce new products and developments. Attached is the brochure for the conference. To register, e-mail me with your name, title, and department. The deadline for registration is April 15.
                                                                      Samantha Appleby
                                                                    Conference Organizer


答案Ms. Appleby, I would like to register for the conference. My name is Kenneth Timmons. I am the Supervising Manager in the technology department. I was wondering, is there a conference fee? Last time I went to a conference, the company paid the fee. Also, do you know where the conference will be held? Thank you for your reply. Kenneth Timmons

