China’s programmes for addressing climate change domestically through its 12th Five-Year Plan are impressive. Accelerating progr

admin2016-09-27  90

问题 China’s programmes for addressing climate change domestically through its 12th Five-Year Plan are impressive. Accelerating progress on the low-carbon economy has worked in China’s favour as it has become a global leader in wind and solar power manufacturing. The cliche that "when China sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold" can also be turned on its head. When China makes up its mind to lead, the rest of the world follows suit.
Doha matters because the UNFCCC international climate negotiations are an important channel through which China can help shape the global development model in ways that re-enforce its low carbon economy. Europe is the largest market for Chinese solar power, but its internal negotiations on ramping up climate-change ambition—and therefore creating a larger market for Chinese goods—are being delayed by uncertainty over progress on a global climate regime. While Doha will not be the ambitious meeting the climate crisis requires, it will nonetheless be important for building momentum towards a comprehensive agreement in 2015. China’s role in ensuring we do not renegotiate the Durban agreement will be essential to limiting climate risks in China and maintaining the drive towards a low carbon economy which China has so heavily invested in both financially and politically.


答案 中国在国内通过《第12个五年规划》来解决气候变化的政策举措非常令人钦佩。中国已经在加快发展低碳经济,并且在全球风能和太阳能生产上处于领先地位。像“中国打一个喷嚏,世界都会感冒”的陈词滥调也该换换对象了。中国下决心开了先河,其他国家都会跟随效仿。 多哈回合谈判的地位很重要,因为《联合国气候变化框架公约》国际气候谈判是一个很重要的渠道,中国借此加快发展低碳经济,从而塑造全球发展模式。欧洲是中国最大的太阳能销售市场,也因此为中国商品的销售提供了一个更广阔的市场,但欧洲在全球气候体系中取得的进步具有不确定性,延迟了提升气候变化目标的内部谈判。多哈谈判虽然并不是气候危机需求的一场雄心勃勃的会议,但对于全球要在2015年达成全面协议来说仍然很重要。中国在确保我们不再重新谈判德班协议中发挥的作用,对于中国控制国内气候危机,持续发展低碳经济——中国已经在财政与政治方面付出了巨大的努力——是必不可少的。

