2001上海国际冶金工业展开幕式致辞 由中国国际贸易促进委员会上海市分会、中国国际商会上海商会赞助,上海宝钢集团公司、上海市国际展览公司和华进有限公司联合主办的2001上海国际冶金展,今天在上海国际展览中心隆重开幕了。 请允许我代表上海宝钢

admin2016-09-27  93

问题     2001上海国际冶金工业展开幕式致辞
中国国际贸易促进委员会上海市分会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Branch(CCPIT Shanghai)
中国国际商会上海商会China Chamber of International Commerce Shanghai Chapter (CCOIC Shanghai)
2001上海国际冶金展The World Metallurgy Expo Shanghai 2001
铸造、锻造、热处理casting,forging and heat treatment


答案Opening Speech at The World Metallurgy Industry Expo Shanghai 2001 The World Metallurgy Industry Expo Shanghai 2001 has been opened in Shanghai International Exhibition Center today. The Expo is sponsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Branch(CCPIT Shanghai)and China Chamber of International Commerce Shanghai Chapter(CCOIC Shanghai)and jointly held by Shanghai Baosteel Group Company, Shanghai International Exhibition Company and Huajin Co. Ltd. On behalf of Shanghai Baosteel Group Company, please allow me to extend my warm congratulations to the opening of the Expo, my cordial welcome to the distinguished guests especially those friends who come from afar. I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to leaders of relevant departments of Shanghai Municipality and China Iron and Steel Association who have shown their care for and support to the Expo. And my gratitude also goes to those staff who has made hard work for the Expo. The Metallurgy Expo has made concentrated display of the advanced technology and equipment of metallurgy, casting, forging and heat treatment at home and abroad. Large technical symposiums will be held during the Expo. Against the background of accelerated economic globalization and China’s entry into WTO, a more open metallurgy market including products, technology and equipment of metallurgy will be formed in Shanghai in an orderly way. We welcome friends at home and abroad to Shanghai for cooperation in technology trade, technology service and investment cooperation.

