
admin2021-08-19  71

问题     中国有近14亿人口,中等收入群体规模全球最大,市场规模巨大、潜力巨大,前景不可限量。中国老百姓有一句话,叫做“世界那么大,我想去看看”。在这里我要说,中国市场这么大,欢迎大家都来看看。中国将增强国内消费对经济发展的基础性作用,积极建设更加活跃的国内市场,为中国经济发展提供支撑,为世界经济增长扩大空间。中国将更加重视进口的作用,进一步降低关税和制度性成本,培育一批进口贸易促进创新示范区,扩大对各国高质量产品和服务的进口。中国将推动进口和出口、货物贸易和服务贸易、双边贸易和双向投资、贸易和产业协调发展,促进国际国内要素有序自由流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合。


答案 China has a population of 1. 4 billion. Its middle-income population is the biggest in the world. The huge Chinese market points to a potential that is simply unlimited The Chinese people often say, "The world is a big place, and I want to see just more of it. " What I want to say to you today is that the Chinese market is such a big one that you should all come and see what it has to offer. China will better leverage the fundamental role of domestic consumption in economic development and foster a more robust domestic market to boost growth at home and create more room for global growth. China will give greater importance to import. We will continue to lower tariffs and institutional transaction costs, develop demonstration zones to promote import trade by creative means, and import more high-quality goods and services from around the world. We will take steps to promote balanced development of both imports and exports, of trade in goods and services, of two-way trade and investment, and of trade and industry. This way, we will ensure a free yet orderly flow of both international and domestic factors of production, improve the efficient allocation of resources, and deepen integration of markets.

解析     “中国有近14亿人口”印证后边的“中国市场规模巨大”,“中等收入群体规模全球最大”表示“中国市场潜力巨大”。由此可知,此句话前两小句分别是中国市场规模和潜力的实例,其后内容是总述,翻译时将此句分译为两个陈述事实的句子和一个总结句更容易凸显其中的逻辑。“前景不可限量”来自于中国巨大的市场规模和潜力,结合前两小句的内容,为避免重复用语,总结句中可以用The huge Chinese market指代前文提过的表示中国巨大的市场规模和潜力的内容。
    “我想去看看”译为I want to see just more of it,其中it前添加more of,包含一种“想要多走走,多看看”之意,体现出想要探索世界、了解世界的愿望。
    “欢迎大家都来看看”在这里是习近平主席对与会者的建议,其中的“看看”除了“看”这个动作之外,还有“了解一下中国巨大的市场能为你们带来什么利益”的含义,为使译文读者更清楚原文的含义,翻译时应该增译宾语what it has to offer,以明确“看看”的具体内容。
