A、Tony is a better runner than he was. B、Tony doesn’t deserve the honor. C、Tony is the best runner he has ever met. D、He was a b

admin2013-01-20  19

W: Tony is the best cross-country runner we’ve ever had in this school.
M: You are right. But you should have seen me when I was his age.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、Tony is a better runner than he was.
B、Tony doesn’t deserve the honor.
C、Tony is the best runner he has ever met.
D、He was a better runner at Tony’s age.


解析 对话中,女士夸Tony是这所学校最好的越野赛运动员,男士通过转折句But you should have seen me when I was his age(你真的应该看一下我在他这个年纪的样子)表明,他在Tony这个年纪的时候在跑步方面比Tony还出色,故选D。
