It’s a common misconception that poverty alleviation is all about financial aid. People regard this as the most effective way to
It’s a common misconception that poverty alleviation is all about financial aid. People regard this as the most effective way to
It’s a common misconception that poverty alleviation is all about financial aid. People regard this as the most effective way to help the poor. However, some hold that helping the poor with education is more important than donating money. The following excerpts are opinions toward the means of poverty alleviation.
Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides;
2. give your suggestions on the means of poverty alleviation.
Excerpt 1
Giving money isn’t even a way to help the poor if it was then the various charities should have solved the poverty problem ages ago.
Here on TV every day we see terrible pictures and hear the mournful voiceover asking us to save a child from lack of clean water, starvation, or illness usually somewhere in Africa.
I have heard the same pleas all my adult life and still the problem persists or has got worse, surely in nearly 60 years the people of the West have given enough money to the charities to drill a few thousand wells and buy enough food to feed the entire population... yet it goes on and on.
So therefore I say whatever they have been doing and are still doing is not the answer.
Educating people how to earn money for themselves is more of a help. As an old Chinese proverb goes: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. I am in favour of teaching people to fish and farm so that they learn to provide for their own. However, you cannot fish in a dry river nor farm where there is no rain...
For charities to continue to sustain life where life cannot sustain itself is madness there just has to be a better way.
Excerpt 2
Poverty is more than just a lack of income. Poverty encompasses a lack of money, education, resources, housing stability, safety, opportunities, etc. It is a complex issue. I worked for over a year helping to house the homeless and I now work as a self sufficiency specialist to help enable those in poverty rise above their circumstances. Where I work we have six categories which have shown reliability and validity when it comes to self sufficiency. Income, either fixed (disability, SSI, retirement, earned, etc), Housing (stable is required, other options are unstable and literally homeless), Food, Education, Transportation, and Health Care. If a client is lacking in any of these areas they are at risk for falling back into poverty and/or remaining in poverty.
Therefore, money can make a huge impact when applied correctly. However, if all we do is pay for the current shut off and provide them with no other resources or opportunities to change the situation overall, they will need another shut-off assist the very next month.
Other ways to help the poor include volunteering at a food bank, volunteering to teach a skill you excel at such as budgeting, how to do your own oil change, writing a resume, etc. Time and knowledge are just as valuable, if not more so, than money.
Want to Help the Poor? Just Give Them Money Many people are disconcerted by the idea of giving money directly to the poor, afraid that without regulations the money would be misused and wasted. The first excerpt echoes this notion, suggesting that education is a more effective alternative to financial aid, as teaching a man to fish works better than giving him a fish. Although the second excerpt underlines the importance of money, it points out that money alone cannot eliminate poverty, and there should be other types of help, such as provision of resources, opportunities, and knowledge. I agree that other kinds of assistance could be considered, but financial support, or more precisely cash transfer, is the best way to help the poor. For decades, it was thought that the poor needed everything done for them. Few people would trust anyone to spend a large sum of money responsibly. Thus governments and charities rationed everything, from food to medical supplies, school to public transportation, with people living in poverty denied the right to make decisions about their needs and priorities. However, we should realize that poverty is as much a deficit in power as a material lack. Why do we think poor people cannot manage money well? In reality, the growing practice and success of cash transfer show that giving money away indeed pulls people out of poverty. According to an experiment conducted by Give Directly, a charity trying to help poor people by sending them money with no strings attached, cash recipients did not lavish money upon their pleasures; instead they invested it in their kid’s education, health care, better food or even business. This further proves that giving people wealth is enabling them to feel more in control of their life. In conclusion, cash transfer ensures those who we aim to help can make their decisions about how best to use our assistance. In doing so, they recognize the need for self-reliance and autonomy, therefore unshackling the material and immaterial fetters that poverty places on them.
选段一驳斥了捐款在扶贫中的作用,并以过去六十年里西方对非洲的捐款为例,说明捐款无济于事(is not the answer)。并以中国古语为证:授人以鱼不如授人以渔,强调教育人们(Educating people)如何赚钱产生的帮助更大(more of a help)。
选段二则认为捐款还是有用的,但扶贫的方式不能局限于捐款。因为贫困是一个涉及方方面面的复杂问题(a complex issue)。虽然钱款应用得当能发挥重大作用(make a huge impact),但其他方式的援助也十分重要,而时间和知识(Time and knowledge)的重要性仅次于金钱。
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