A. The exit of Greece from the euro area met opposition B. An American gossip website published photos of naked Prince Harry

admin2019-11-11  1

问题    A. The exit of Greece from the euro area met opposition
   B. An American gossip website published photos of naked Prince Harry
   C. Women were first admitted to Augusta National, the master’s golf tournament
   D. Apple has become the most valuable corporation on the Dow Jones share index
   The technology giant Apple has become the biggest company ever valued at more than $620bn on the Dow Jones share index in New York. A rise in its share price took the maker of Iphones, Ipads and Ipods, through the mark set by Microsoft in 1999. Apple shares have enjoyed significant gains since last week rising to more than $664bn at the Nasdaq market amid speculation it will shortly unveil new versions of its iconic iphone and iPad, as well as a TV device.
   Apple is now worth 50% more than the oil company ExxonMobil, the second most valuable corporation with share listed in New York. The surge in Apple’s stock underlines investors’ belief that the next generation of its products will keep ahead of the competition, as well as the hopes they will be in the shops by Christmas.
   The hope of the master’s golf tournament, Augusta National in the American state of Georgia, has admitted women members for the first time in its 80-year history. The former U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the South Carolina financer Darla Moore have accepted the invitation to join. Augusta has come under increasing criticism for its failure to admit women. This is, said Augusta National chairman Billy Payne, a joyous occasion.
   The campaigns to have women joined the club kicked off a decade ago. The former chairman responded that one day the club might have women but not, he said, at the point of a bayonet. The club only has around 300 members, all by invitation only. The first black member was admitted in 1990. For many years all the golf caddies were black. Female caddies were however allowed well before women members.
   The head of the Eurogroup Jean-Claude Juncker says he’s totally opposed to Greece being forced out of the single currency. Mr Juncker said the priority was for the country to come up with a robust and critical strategy for closing the gap on its debt. " I’m totally opposed to the exit of Greece from the euro area. This would be of no help for Greece, and this would entail major risks for the whole euro area. And if those who are advocating day after day the exit of Greece would keep them off, it would be easier to make the progress that’s needed in the privatization of those enterprises which have to be privatized. "
   Photographs showing Queen Elizabeth’s grandson Prince Harry and a young woman cavorting naked in a Las Vegas hotel room have been published on a U. S. website. Harry had gone to Las Vegas with friends on a short break from his military duties. At some point last weekend in what should have been the privacy of his hotel suit, he evidently decided to play a game of "strip billiards" with some women he and his friends had met in the hotel bar. Photographs were taken—it’s thought by someone with a mobile phone: and these pictures, showing Harry naked, were then published by an American gossip website and some sections of the mainstream U. S. media. Friends of Prince Harry say this was a young soldier letting his hair down before returning to duty: whether his family sees it in those straightforward terms may be open to question.



解析     标题译文:根据道琼斯股价指数,苹果成为价值最大的公司
    根据纽约道琼斯股价指数,科技巨头苹果成为价值最大的公司,价值6 200亿美元。这家生产iPhone,iPads和iPods的公司股价上涨,超过1999年微软的股价。有猜测称苹果将很快推出新版本的标志性iPhone和iPad,以及一款电视设备,因此自上周开始,苹果在纳斯达克市场上的股价就取得了显著的增长,上开至6 640多亿美元。
