Examinations are a key factor in school education, yet with regard to its function there have been many arguments. Read the news

admin2012-01-14  47

    Examinations are a key factor in school education, yet with regard to its function there have been many arguments. Read the news about a survey of students’ views on examinations. You will have 45 seconds to read the news.
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               Students’ Views on Examinations
    Sitting for exams has been the most stressful challenges for many students in Hong Kong. A survey conducted by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups last month has found that the major causes of stress in exams were the aspirations and pressures arising from parents and youngsters themselves. Of the total 534 respondents, some 65 students or 12.5 percent agreed that the results in exams would determine a person’s success or failure. One in every ten admitted that they had tried to cheat in exams. There are three views of examinations: radical (wanting to see the current system abolished), conservative (wanting to see it preserved), and liberal (wanting to see it reformed).
    There are three reasons for repeating the same TV commercials so often.
    The first reason is simply a matter of economics. The production of even a 30-second commercial may cost as much as $50000. Obviously it would be far too expensive for a company to produce a new ad every day, or even every week.
    The second reason is to make sure that as many people as possible will see it. This is what advertising researchers call "market saturation". The more often a commercial is shown, the more people will have a chance to see it at least once. People who watch a lot of television will see the commercial many times—and will probably become bored by it—but people who watch television less often or confine their viewing to a few favorite programs, may see the ad only once or twice.
    The third reason is the belief that repetition helps to imprint the message on the mind. Some advertisers differ in their opinion about this. Some feel that repetition—even to the point of irritation—is good; the irritation itself is supposed to make people remember the product. Others argue that repetition to the point of irritation can annoy television viewers so that they will purposely avoid the product. While this point may be debated, there seems to be no question that a moderate amount of repetition makes the ad memorable, and certainly more persuasive than a single presentation.


答案From this conversation we can safely draw a conclusion that Amanda holds a doubtful attitude towards the positive effect of examinations. She claims that when a score becomes the only measurement of a student’s performance, the student is forced to memorize many things without creative thinking. Therefore, examinations cannot successfully evaluate a student’s true ability and aptitude and students are poorly motivated. The second reason she cites is with regard to the teachers. Since teachers have attached great importance to the results of examinations, which may also influence their own promotion or pay rise, they impose a lot of homework on their students, yet ignoring the cultivation of students’ creativity. So, to some extent, examinations are harmful rather than beneficial, especially to students.

