Energy Crisis The U. S. Census Bureau has estimated that the population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2

admin2019-07-30  84

问题     Energy Crisis
    The U. S. Census Bureau has estimated that the population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2000 and will be 400 million in 2020. And the U. S. Department of Commerce estimates that the average U. S. per capital income will increase from $ 3, 400 in 1969 to the equivalent of $ 8, 300 ( assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000, 2. 5 times as much as that of 1969.
    According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and 15 million commercial vehicles or trucks. And "more people" means "more cars". By the end of the twenties of next century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty years’ time the per capita income will also be 2. 5 times higher than it is now. If this increased income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution. Take the increase of the consumption of oil for instance. The consumption is so huge that the oil reserves might last only a decade or two if not supplemented by imports.
    Ten years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis. Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to be limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. But work on it has met with grave problems. The fear of possible atomic explosion and the problem of disposing of polluting byproduct waste have slowed down the construction of further nuclear plants. Eventually atomic technology may be able to control these problems, but at present there seems to be little agreement along atomic scientists about when this can be achieved.


答案 能源危机 据美国人口普查局预测,2000年美国人口接近三亿,2020年将达四亿。美国商业部预测,美国平均个人收入将从1969年的3400美元增加到2000年的8300美元(按1967年物价水平计算),为1969年的2.5倍。 根据政府统计,美国现有一亿一千万多辆汽车,一千五百万商业用车或卡车。更多的人口也就意味着更多的汽车。到下世纪二十年代末,美国人口和汽车都将是今天的两倍。二十年后,人均收入也将是今天的二点五倍。随着收入的增加,人们会购买更多、更大型的轿车、更宽敞的房子,消费更多的其他商品,这就必然导致毁灭性的资源枯竭和污染。以原油消费的增长为例,原油消耗量巨大,如不进口原油来做补充的话,那么石油储量恐怕只够维持一、二十年了。 十年前,使用核能似乎能够解决预料到的会发生的能源危机。尽管大家知道铀燃料的供应是有限的,可能在半个世纪内耗尽,核能发电站多年来却一直倍受推崇。然而,核能发电站的工作已面临严峻的问题。人们心中的恐惧和面临的难题减缓了进一步建造新核电站的步伐:人们担心核爆炸;而且面临着污染性废料难以处理的问题。这些难题最终可能靠发展原子能技术来解决。可是在目前,原子能科学家们对于何时才能实现这种可能性,尚难达成一致意见。

