A、They are feeling very tired. B、They think the climbing is rewarding. C、They are a little bit disappointed. D、They don’t feel a

admin2009-05-28  19

M: Look, how tall the mountain is! Let’s climb up to the top.
W: Well, I’m feeling a bit tired.
M: Come on! You can’t really enjoy the beauty of the mountain if you don’t climb.
W: OK. Let’s go. Wow! The scenery here is really marvelous! The flowers, the trees, and the fresh air!
M: I’ve told you that climbing is rewarding!
W: I feel as if I were in a different world.
M: Seeing is believing!
W: You are right.
M: Are you feeling tired now?
W: No. I’m really enjoying the beauty of the nature. Let’s make a last eftort to the top.

选项 A、They are feeling very tired.
B、They think the climbing is rewarding.
C、They are a little bit disappointed.
D、They don’t feel anything special.


解析 How do they feel now?
