The roll-call system has been commonly adopted by college teachers to check students’ attendance. Recently, more high-tech appro

admin2022-07-07  46

问题     The roll-call system has been commonly adopted by college teachers to check students’ attendance. Recently, more high-tech approaches, such as QR codes, finger printing, and smartphone applications, are introduced into this system. What is your opinion?
    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
                                My View on the Roll-call System at University
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 My View on the Roll-call System at University The wide spread of new technology has opened up possibilities for college faculty to check students’ attendance in more convenient ways. From my point of view, I believe it is an advisable practice for universities to introduce these high-tech approaches into their roll-call system. One of the most obvious advantages of these approaches is the exceptional convenience brought to teachers and students. The traditional method of roll-call often takes teachers a lot of precious class time to check students’ attendance. By utilizing QR codes, finger printing or smartphone applications, students’ attendance can be registered in a split second. There is no doubt that the teaching efficiency can be greatly improved with the help of these high-tech gadgets. Another benefit is that students can better abide by rules formulated by universities. The traditional method of roll-call still has flaws and can be exploited by students to skip classes. In contrast, the new technology will better monitor students’ behavior in classroom due to its accuracy and comprehensiveness. Therefore, classroom learning will be better guaranteed. In conclusion, introducing more high-tech approaches into the roll-call system is a positive move. In this way, the effectiveness of teaching as well as the attendance rate can be improved.

解析     本题要求考生对高校采用高科技点名手段发表看法。考生可以选择赞同大学采用高科技点名手段,也可以反对大学采用高科技点名手段,并论述原因。
    结尾部分通过“In conclusion…”总结全文,再次点题。
