For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark "What we instill in our children will be the

admin2015-03-28  32

问题 For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark "What we instill in our children will be the foundation upon which they build their future. " You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


答案 The Influence of Parents on the Growth of Children [1] It is widely accepted that family plays a crucial role in the growth of children. [2] And since children have strong ability of imitation, they will automatically follow what their parents say and do. [3] Therefore, what parent present has great impact on the future of their children. [4] On one hand, good parenting may lay good foundation for the success of children in the future. [5] Eisenhower said, when he’s a boy, his parents had instilled him that one should be ambitious and take self-reliance as the basic principle, but not to be arrogant and [6] supercilious. Later, he was brave in the war, showed outstanding military genius, and [6] treated all on an equal footing. It is obvious that what his parents taught benefited him a lot. [7] On the other hand, however, bad family education may push their children to the nadir of abyss. [8] Several surveys have showed that most of the [6] juvenile delinquency have deeply rooted in the failure of home education. [9] As a Chinese saying goes, "To raise a child without educating him is the failure in the father." [10] So, parents should pay more attention to their education on children so that their children may have a bright future.

解析 [1]引出话题
[6]亮点词汇:supercilious“自高自大,目中无人的”;treated all on an equal footing“平等待人”;juvenile delinquency“青少年犯罪”
