1978年底召开的中共第十一届三中全会(The Third Plenary Session of the CPC 11th Central Committee)代表了新中国历史上一个意义深远的转折点。自1979年起,中国开始实施由邓小平发起的改革开放政策。

admin2013-10-30  13

问题     1978年底召开的中共第十一届三中全会(The Third Plenary Session of the CPC 11th Central Committee)代表了新中国历史上一个意义深远的转折点。自1979年起,中国开始实施由邓小平发起的改革开放政策。对重新调整经济结构及改革经济、政治制度做了较大努力。中国正在逐步建立一条引导走向社会主义现代化的有中国特色的道路。自1979年起,中国已发生巨大变化。国家形势比以往好,人民正享受到比以往任何时候都更多的物质利益。


答案 The Third Plenary Session of the CPC 11th Central Committee held at the end of 1978 represented a profound turning point in the history of new China. Since the launch of the Reform and Opening-up Policy,(which was)initiated by Deng Xiaoping, in 1979, major efforts have been made to readjust the economic structure, and reform the economic and political systems. China is, step by step, establishing a road with Chinese characteristics, a road that will lead to socialist modernization. Great changes have come about in China since 1979. The situation in the country is the best ever, and the people are enjoying more material benefits than ever before.

