The health-care economy is replete with unusual and even unique economic relationships. One of the least understood involves the

admin2013-04-28  43

问题 The health-care economy is replete with unusual and even unique economic relationships.
One of the least understood involves the peculiar roles of producer or“provider”and purchaser or“consumer”in the typical doctor-patient relationship,in most sectors of the economy,it is theseller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of price,quality,andutility,and it is the buyer who makes the decision.Where circumstances permit the buyer nochoice because there is effectively only one seller and the product is relatively essential,government usually asserts monopoly and places the industry under price and other regulations.
Neither of these conditions prevails in most of the health-care industry.
In the health-care industry,the doctor-patient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinaryrelationship between producer and consumer.Once an individual has chosen to see a physician andeven then there may be no real choice--it is the physician who usually makes all significantpurchasing decisions:whether the patient should return“next Wednesday”.whether X-rays areneeded,whether drugs should be prescribed,et@C@It is a rare and sophisticated patient who willchallenge such professional decisions or raise in advance questions about price,especially when theailment is regarded as serious.
This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care.The physician must certify the needfor hospitalization,determine what procedures will be performed,and announce when the patientmay be discharge@D@The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions,but in the main itis the doctor’S judgments that are final.Little wonder then that in the systems of the hospital it isthe physician who is the real“consumer”.As a consequence,the medical staff represents the“power center”in hospital policy and decision-making,not the administration.
Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participants-the physician,thehospital,the patient,and the payer(generally an insurance carrier or government)—the physicianmakes the essential decisions for all of them.The hospital becomes an extension of the physician;the payer generally meets most of the real bills generated by the physician/hospital;and for themost part the patient plays a passive role.In routine or minor illnesses,or just plain worries,thepatient’s options are,of course,much greater with respect to use and price.In illnesses that are ofsome significance,however,such choices tend to evaporate,and it is for these illnesses that thebulk of the health-care dollar is spent.We estimate that about 75-80 percent of health-careexpenditures are determined by physicians,not patients.For this reason,economy measuresdirected at patients or the general public are relatively ineffective.
The author is most probably leading up to______.

选项 A、a proposal to control medical costs
B、a discussion of new medical treatment
C、a study of lawsuits against doctors for
D、a comparison of hospitals and factories


解析 结构题。题目问作者接下来可能要讨论什么。该题要求考生根据文章预测该文下面将谈论的话题。根据文章最后一段的话题即“医疗费用问题”我们可以推断出文章下文很可能谈论采用什么样的经济措施来控制医疗费用,故答案A符合题意。
