With wounded pride, the US, which is leading the war to safeguard peace, should be supported by the rest of the world. While no

admin2012-04-23  59

问题     With wounded pride, the US, which is leading the war to safeguard peace, should be supported by the rest of the world. While no organization has claimed responsibility for the attacks, actions against terrorism must remain consistent and the intensity must not dwindle too.
    Every country that advocates peace must be on the alert. More important, they should put aside their prejudices and selfish interests to root out terrorism collectively and relentlessly.
    It has been noted that the influence of religions militancy has been growing in the region. Some terrorist forces have even become threats to some ASEAN members by openly opposing the governments of these countries. Without strong backing, it is doubtful that these terrorists could have been so bold and brutal.
    This is a war about the very survival of mankind—there is no room for wavering and indecision. People who are blinded by humanitarianism and thus against war are in fact helping to create a situation favorable to terrorists.
    Nobody wants war. But if we retreat when the battle lines are drawn, we are bowing to evil forces. Do not misinterpret the meaning of humanitarianism and be bogged down by concern over the loss of lives which may be inevitable. To allow terrorists to grow stronger is to invite worse disasters for ourselves and cause even greater loss of lives.


答案 我们也注意到①宗教极端主义逐渐在本地区扩张影响力,一些恐怖组织甚至在一些东盟②成员国内公然对抗当地政府,形成威胁势力。如果不是背后有强有力的支持,这些恐怖主义分子③恐怕不会如此猖狂凶残。 这是一场全人类休戚与共的生存战④,不容丝毫迟疑与动摇。一些人基于盲目的人道主义立场,逢战必反,反而把事态引向对恐怖主义分子有利的局面⑤。 没有人期待战争,但在战线拉开时退却,恰恰是向恶势力低头的行为⑥。如果曲解了人道主义的精神,执著于一兵一卒的损失。只会使让恐怖分子做大,将导致更大的悲剧,造成更多人的死难⑦。

解析     ①英美人重认知和客观实证,句子一般以客观事物或抽象概念为主语;汉语重人道,主语多让人来担当。考虑到此种差异.这里将原文暗含的主语明晰化成“我们”,同时变被动语态为主动语态,译成汉语的地道表达“我们也注意到………”。
    ②ASEAN指Association of Southeast Asian Nations,常译为东南亚国家联盟,简称东盟。
    ③避免不必要的重复是英语行文的基本要求之一。本段围绕恐怖主义行文,使用了不同的指称概念,如religious militancy, terrorists, terrorist forces, evil forces和terrorism,翻译时需注意这种变化,将不同概念中蕴含的意义差别转换到译语中。
    ④在This is a war about the very survival of mankind中,very用来加强名词survival的语气,翻译时根据上下文添加了新的语义成分“休戚与共”,以求与原文效果相似。
    ⑤一个句子可能兼用多种技法才能译好。本句将who引导的定语从句译为小句是变化结构,are blinded by译为“基于盲目的”是被动化主动,are against译为“逢战必反”是状态变动作,in fact译为“反而”是词类转换,are helping to create a situation favorable to terrorists译为“把事态引向对恐怖主义分子有利的局面”是为意义明晰而采取的一定程度上的意译。
    ⑥划线部分第3段第1句与第2句合译,使逻辑联系更为紧密。此外,在翻译But if we retreat when the battle lines are drawn, we are bowing to evil forces时,主语we都没有译出,这是因为汉语为意合语言,是否出现主语有较大的自由。
    ⑦从逻辑关系上来看,原文最后两句隐含条件和结果;翻译时对原文结构进行了调整,并将逻辑关系用连接词“如果……只会……”明示,这种从逻辑关系着眼的句式调整和变通使得译文层次明晰,意义连贯,是一种需要掌握的翻译方法。be bogged down本义为“陷入困境;停顿”,这里转译为“执着于”。
