We are proud to let you know that at our library, every (147) library card we give out is to a kid, and forty percent of all boo

admin2011-01-11  31

问题 We are proud to let you know that at our library, every (147) library card we give out is to a kid, and forty percent of all books that are checked out are for the children. So it is needless to say that kids prefer to use our facility as we can meet kids’ specific demands more than any other library. We greatly acknowledge the importance of providing support for kids to read all through this summer. Statistics (148) that children who read a wide variety of books in summer have less difficulty in their reading skills at the start of school year. Reading is still (149) to as the strongest sign of success in the academic achievement.

选项 A、another


解析 “every other+单数名词”是“每隔一个……”的意思。句中指的是“每两张图书卡中的一张”。如果D选项是alternative,则词义、词性都正确,可以入选。请把这两个词组都记住。
