It is one thing to land science instruments on Mars. However, it is quite 【S1】______ another to establish a base for’ huma

admin2009-02-15  33

问题 It is one thing to land science instruments on Mars. However, it is quite       【S1】______
another to establish a base for’ humans to explore planet. Daytime temperatures  【S2】______
can be rise above freezing, but, because of the extremely thin atmosphere,         【S3】______
the sun heat radiates back into space. Even at the equator, the temperature       【S4】______
drops -50℃at night. In fact, there is no ozone (臭氧) layer to keep out         【S5】______
ultraviolet (紫外线的) radiation, and hardly some oxygen for either breathing      【S6】______
and burning conventional fuels. But despite all these problems, scientists are    【S7】______
currently working transport and clothing for Mars and an artificial environment    【S8】______
in which colonists could live. However, the potential cost make the idea of      【S9】______
human life on Mars nothing other than a fantastic dream.                    【S10】______



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