Athens gave birth to Western culture. This is where the West’s ideas of government, law, justice and liberty all began. Architec

admin2014-02-15  59

问题     Athens gave birth to Western culture. This is where the West’s ideas of government, law, justice and liberty all began. Architecture, science, drama and poetry also flourished here.
    The history of Athens is tied to mythology. The god that came up with the most valuable legacy for humans was to give the city its name. Poseidon and Athena each wanted the honor. Athena produced an olive tree—the symbol of peace and wealth. Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war. The gods decided Athena’s gift would better serve the people, and the city became known as Athens.
    The Acropolis, or "high city", stands on a hill overlooking the city. Western civilization’s most important ancient monument was built by Pericles, the leader of Athens from 461-429 B.C. He spared no expense when he constructed the buildings of the Acropolis. He used only the best materials, architects and artists. His artists created huge statues of marble and covered them with gold and jewels. Sadly, only ruins remain of this "high city" of temples.


答案 雅典的历史与神话密不可分。哪一个神能带给人类最宝贵的遗产,就可以为此城命名。海神波塞冬和智慧女神雅典娜都想得到这份殊荣。雅典娜拿出一棵橄榄树。它象征着和平与富饶。波塞冬则献出一匹强壮的战马。诸神裁定雅典娜的礼物对人类更有意义,于是此城被命名为“雅典”。 雅典卫城,或称“高城”,耸立在山上俯瞰着雅典全城,它是西方文明最重要的古老遗迹,由公元前461至429年间的雅典统治者伯里克利所建。他不惜成本建造雅典卫城,只用最好的材料、建筑师和艺术家。他的艺术家们制作了巨大的大理石雕像,外镶以黄金和宝石。可惜的是,这座神庙“高城”如今只剩下一片废墟。

解析 1、本段文字讲述雅典城名称的由来和雅典卫城的建造,语句简练,要译好本段,考生需了解古希腊文明,尤其要具备雅典城的相关知识。
2、第1段第2句的came up with意为produced,brought译为“带来”;give the city itsname中的its指god’s。
4、第2段第1句的the Acropolis系专有名词,即“雅典卫城”,上筑有巴台农神庙;thecity译为“雅典全城”,表示强调。
5、最后一句的of this“high city”of temples作后置定语修饰ruins;remain为不及物动词。句型“Only ruins of...remain.”一般译为“…如今只剩下一片废墟。”
