A、When he heard a tremendous crash. B、When he was out of the building. C、When he ran toward the stairways. D、When he was held up

admin2013-10-14  39

W: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Joining me right now is Matt Cornelius, who was in the north tower of the World Trade Center that was attacked by hijacked commercial airliners. Matt, what happened?
M:[22]I had just arrived at work, probably about 8:40 a. m. I was getting ready to start the day when all of a sudden, we heard this tremendous crash. And then the floor seemed to wave.
W: You were not aware at all what could have caused this?
M: We had no idea. Obviously we know something had struck the building.
W: And your immediate instinct, I suppose, was to get out of the building.
M: Yeah. Everybody basically started running for the stairways.
W: How long did it take you to get out of the building?
M: About 45 minutes.
W: How could it have taken so long?
M: We moved very quickly. Probably 15 minutes to the 40th floor. And then after that we got held up. There were fire fighters coming up the stairs, police officers. And there was a man in a wheelchair, so we had to hold for him.
W: At what point did you become aware of what had truly happened?
M:[24]Actually, when we came out of the building, I looked back. And I saw that the second tower was on fire. And that’s when it hit me that this was truly a tragic accident.
W: What’s going through your head now?
M: I’m so thankful to be alive. My heart goes out to those who don’t know about their loved ones or have lost loved ones.
W: Matt, we appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us on this incredibly tragic day in American history.
22.When did the attack on the World Trade Center take place?
23.What did the man do right after the attack took place?
24. When did the man come to realize what had truly happened?
25.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、When he heard a tremendous crash.
B、When he was out of the building.
C、When he ran toward the stairways.
D、When he was held up in the stairways.


解析 细节题。男士说当他和其他人逃出世贸大厦后(when we came out of the building),回头一看发现世贸大厦的第二个塔楼已经着火了,这时他才意识到这是一场人为的悲剧,故答案为[B]。
