For politicians and the public at large, skyscrapers—gigantic buildings backed by huge economic power-are a symbol of social pro

admin2019-04-11  98

问题    For politicians and the public at large, skyscrapers—gigantic buildings backed by huge economic power-are a symbol of social progress and economic prosperity. Contrary to this popular belief, some e-conomists argue that the emergence of skyscrapers and those reaching new heights in particular, would more often than not precede economic downturns. In 1999, Andrew Lawrence, based on his research, formulated what he called the " skyscraper index," showing a correlation between the construction of skyscrapers and subsequent economic downturns. In fact, the completion of each new record-setting skyscraper is often followed by an economic recession. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the world has seen four major skyscraper booms, each accompanied by an economic crisis or a round of financial turbulence.


答案 作为一种以巨大的经济实力为支撑的建筑物,摩天大楼常被政客和民众视为社会进步和经济繁荣的标志。有些经济学家则持完全相反的看法,他们认为摩天大楼、特别是再次刷新高度纪录的摩天大楼的出现,往往预示着经济即将衰退。1999年,安德鲁-劳伦斯研究验证了摩天大楼与经济危机的关联,并将这种关联称为“摩天大楼指数”。事实上,每一幢刷新世界纪录的摩天大楼的崛起,往往都伴随着经济的衰退。自20世纪初以来,全球共出现了4轮摩天大楼热,而每一次,都伴随着经济危机或金融动荡。

