A、When she’s bored. B、When there is a good program on. C、After midnight. D、After swimming. AWhen does the woman normally watch T

admin2013-04-08  40

W: A great day, isn’t it?
M: I guess so. But I feel awful because I watched TV until after midnight last night.
W: After midnight! Did you watch so late because you were bored? I usually watch TV only ff I have nothing better to do.
M: Bored? No,  I was upset because I left my meal tickets in the cafeteria.
W: That worth more than fifty dollars. So, did watching TV make you feel better?
M: A bit. But after I turned the TV off, I just felt disgusted with myself for wasting so much time.
W: I’ve had that feeling before.
M: I had intended to watch just one program, but somehow I couldn’t make myself switch off the TV.
W: Actually, I’ve read that there’s a scientific explanation for that. It seems that there’s a part of the brain that processes complex information, but that part becomes less active while watching TV.
M: That’s certainly how I felt last night--like my brain wasn’t very active.
W: That’s not the worst of it. If you watch TV a lot, or for a long time, that part of the brain--the part that processes complex information, shows lowered activity and you become more and more passive.
M: That’s incredible.
W: Next time you feel upset, you should go swimming. That’s what I do, and it always makes me feel better.
M: I suppose. Now I’ve got to go to the cafeteria and get some more meal tickets.

选项 A、When she’s bored.
B、When there is a good program on.
C、After midnight.
D、After swimming.


解析 When does the woman normally watch TV?
通过选项可知本题询问时间。本题关键句为“Did you watch so late because you were bored? I usually watch TV only if I have nothing better to do”.女士问男士是否因为感到无聊才看电视到很晚,她通常在无事可做时看电视。因此可知女士通常无聊时才看电视。故正确答案为A)。
