A、It makes you believe that being ordinary is nothing bad. B、It makes you believe that you have a loser life unless you follow t

admin2021-09-29  25

Ever since Donald Trump was elected the next president of the US, the entire Trump family has been put under a microscope. The spotlight has been mainly focused on Trump and his daughter Ivanka. She is described on WeChat as an extremely influential role model with stunning beauty, a successful career, and a happy family.
    She leads a dream life that a million girls are dying to. Yes, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But she got where she is by herself. There’s always going to be articles that say people born into wealthy families are better looking and have a better family background than you, but these people do work harder than you.
    Are you a loser if you were raised in an ordinary family? Should you feel guilty that you sleep eight hours a day because Ivanka sleeps five? If you just want to keep a stable nine-to-five job, does it mean you are not ambitious? If you don’t work out or eat healthy, does it mean you will not find your Mr. or Miss Right?
    There is a tendency in media nowadays to encourage elitism. They are trying to brainwash young people into thinking that they should invest an enormous amount of time and money in bodybuilding and appearance enhancement, even plastic surgery. They encourage lifestyle makeovers; wine tasting classes and expensive trips overseas.
    They make you believe, that if you do as they say, you can improve the quality of your life and join the elites.
    The funny part about user-generated content is that it makes you believe that you have a loser Iife and that you can change it if you sign up for a French baking course or run at night. But the fact is that going on a wine tasting tour in Tuscany will not make you into an elite the next day.
    First, they tear you down: they make you doubt your life choices. Then they sell you quick fix ideas that can help you get rid of being ordinary.
    But what’s the downside of being ordinary? Do you really need to go to live the gym five days a week unless you are a gym maniac? Do you need to take hundreds of selfies and photoshop the selected ones to post on WeChat?
    Don’t let the idea of elitism get to you. Everybody has a right to live the life they want. Thank you for listening.
    Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.
    19.What is the secret of Ivanka ’s success?
    20. What do the mass media encourage people to do?
    21.What is the funny part about user-generated content?
    22.What can we learn about the speaker’s attitude towards elitism?

选项 A、It makes you believe that being ordinary is nothing bad.
B、It makes you believe that you have a loser life unless you follow their quick fix ideas.
C、It makes you believe that you should work harder to gain success.
D、It makes you believe that your beauty will lead you to success.


解析 讲座中提到,用户自创内容的可笑之处在于它让你相信你在过一种失败者的生活,你只要参加法式糕点烘焙课程或是晚上跑步就可以改变这种生活。首先,他们摧毁你,让你怀疑自己的人生选择;其次,他们兜售给你一连串能快速帮你摆脱平庸的思想。因此答案为B)。
