[A] Pay everyone fairly [B] Raise part-timers’ pay [C] Stop ignoring part-timers [D] Start to look at your staffs real

admin2019-09-15  2

问题    [A] Pay everyone fairly
   [B] Raise part-timers’ pay
   [C] Stop ignoring part-timers
   [D] Start to look at your staffs real needs
   [E] Embrace flexible working
   [F] Stop mistreating contractors
   [G] Properly contract with every employee
   A new survey from the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) shows that employee satisfaction has hit a two year low and it doesn’t look like it’s going to go up any time soon. If you’re an employer who cast an eye over the CIPD report and then forgot about it, you probably want to stop reading now. But if you suspect that a happy workforce might be a more productive workforce, then we have some suggestions for simple things you can do to bring about business bliss.
   Yes, even the women. While undertaking a pay audit of your company might seem like a fast track to internal quarrelling and law-suits, it could in fact buy you a lot of goodwill with your employees, and some very nice PR. However, don’t just stop at the gender pay gap. Have a look at how big the gap between the most senior and junior staff is. This pay gap has been on the increase for a while now but when it continues to rise even in times of trouble, you’re just encouraging a discontented staff.
   If you believe the report, this is the future. But even if you don’t, research shows that employees who have some level of control over how and where they work are happier than those crammed into the same office from nine till five every day. As Peter Fleming puts it, "human beings thrive on mastery and self-development." When we’re in charge of our own performance, we’re likely to want more from ourselves than when we’re working to someone else’s standards.
   We know that more and more companies are abandoning traditional permanent jobs in favour of short-term or zero-hour contracts. If you expect your staff to remain tough and productive despite a lack of security, then you need to think about what you can give them in return. A proper contract is one thing, but so are training, decent pay and opportunities for promotion. You can also realise that if we are moving into a gig-economy, then decent references, using your networks to help those who’ve worked hard for you, and transparency around length of contract are important, decent behaviour.
   As the bulk of childcare still sits with women, more of them opt to work part-time than men. Strangely, we then start to see people who work part-time hours as uncommitted and off the career ladder. We don’t give them stretch projects, we expect them to do as much work in three days as they did in five, and we overlook them for pay-rises and promotions. And then companies wonder why their female employees leave.
   Clue: it’s not a bigger office or a better title. More often than not what people really want are change things for the better, spend more time with their families, and feel like they’re appreciated and rewarded appropriately. We all know that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys, but if you start treating staff like robots you’re going to get an organisation that very quickly short-circuits.



解析 contract一词在本段出现了好几次,据此可将答案初步锁定在F、G两项上。再从以上分析可以看出,很多雇员由于同公司签的是短期工或零时工合同而缺乏保障和安全感,强调要恰当对待这些员工,不要让他们因为不是固定员工而受到不公正的待遇,故确定F“不要让合同工受到不公正待遇”为答案。
