
admin2016-06-22  93

问题     我认为应该在相互尊重、平等对话、求同存异的基础上来逐步缩小分歧,从而来维护和发展双方的共同利益。我们生活在一个丰富多彩的世界里,正是这种多样性为各国之间的交流与合作提供了基础。即使在西欧,各国在积极推进一体化的同时,也强调要保持各自的民族和文化特性。只有按照和平共处五项原则,承认和正视意识形态、社会制度以及经济文化发展状况和差异,彻底摈弃冷战思维和恃强凌弱的做法,才是处理国与国之间关系的正确途径。


答案 I believe we should work together to narrow our differences gradually on the basis of mutual respect, equal dialogue and seeking common ground while putting aside differences so as to preserve and advance our common interests. We live in a colorful world of diversity. Such diversity has made it possible for countries to interact and cooperate. Even in Western Europe, while actively promoting integration, countries remain quite vocal about keeping their ethnic and cultural distinctions. The only right approach to the conduct of state-to-state relations is to adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, recognize and face up to the differences in ideology, social system and the level of economic and cultural development. We must also make a break from the cold war mentality and the practice of the strong lording it over the weak.

