Chances are your friends are more popular than you are. It is a basic feature of social networks that has been known about for s

admin2022-08-04  47

问题     Chances are your friends are more popular than you are. It is a basic feature of social networks that has been known about for some time. Consider both an enthusiastic party hostess with hundreds of acquaintances and an ill-tempered guy, who may have one or two friends. Statistically speaking, the average person is much more likely to know the hostess simply because she has so many more friends. This, in essence, is what is called the "friendship paradox": the friends of any random individual are likely to be more central to the social web than the individual himself.
    Now researchers think this seemingly depressing fact can be made to work as an early warning system to detect outbreaks of contagious diseases. By studying the friends of a randomly selected group of individuals, epidemic disease experts can isolate those people who are more connected to one another and are therefore more likely to catch diseases like the flu early. This could allow health authorities to spot outbreaks weeks in advance of current monitoring methods.
    In a report, Nicholas Christakis from Harvard University and James Fowler from the University of California, San Diego put the friendship paradox to good use. In a trial carried out last autumn, they monitored the spread of flu through students and their friends at Harvard University, and found that their social links were indeed causing them to get infected sooner.
    As this result came after the outbreak, the researchers tried to come up with a real-time measure that could potentially provide an early warning sign of an outbreak as it began to spread. Currently, the conventional methods used to assess an infection lag an outbreak by a week or two. Google’s Flu Trends is at best simultaneous with an outbreak. Dr. Christakis and Dr. Fowler suggest that a compound method might be developed in which the search inquiries of a group of highly connected individuals could be scanned for signs of the flu.
    Although the technique has so far only been demonstrated for the flu and in the social surroundings of a university, the researchers nevertheless think that it could help predict other infectious diseases and do so on a larger scale. Nor should it be difficult to implement. Public-health officials already conduct random sampling, so getting the participants to name a few friends too should not be troublesome. When it comes to infectious diseases, your friends really do say a lot about you.
According to the "friendship paradox", ________.

选项 A、one’s friends are usually less popular than him
B、ill-tempered people often have few friends
C、one’s friends tend to be more sociable than him
D、the hostess gains her acquaintances through parties


解析 根据题干中的friendship paradox可定位到第一段。该段最后一句冒号后的内容解释“交友悖论”:某个人的朋友可能比他本人更会处于社交网的中心,由此可知C项“某个人的朋友比他本人更善于交际”为答案。A项“某个人的朋友没有他本人受欢迎”与文章第一句所述相反,故A项可排除。文中仅说相对于脾气坏的家伙,人们更愿意选择好客的女主人,但并没有说前者一定朋友少。B项“脾气坏的人通常朋友少”属过度推断。D项“女主人通过派对赢得朋友”仅为解释friendship paradox举出的一个例子,不具普遍性。
