Of course a certain amount of dependence on others is not only good, but necessary. Children must be dependent on their parent

admin2021-03-29  58

问题   Of course a certain amount of dependence on others is not only good, but necessary. Children must be dependent on their parents; and the weak must depend on the strong, and the sick on the well. And in a sense, all of us, even the most independent and self - reliant, are dependent on one another. At any rate, in civilized society, it is impossible for anyone to make all the things he needs. No man can produce all the food and clothes he wants. He can only produce one or two things, and must get all the others by exchange or purchase from others, who are doing the same thing. So in a community everyone is dependent on the service of others, while he himself contributes to the needs of others.


答案  毋庸置疑,有些事我们要依靠别人,这不仅是合理的,而且是必需的。孩子必须依靠父母,弱者必须依靠强者,病人必须依靠健康人。从某种意义上说,我们每个人,即使是最独立的、自更生的人也需要相互依靠。无论如何,在文明社会中,任何人都不可能生产出他所需要的一切东西。没有人能生产出他所需要的全部食物和衣物,他只能生产一两种东西,其他的东西都需要从别人处交换或购买,其他人也是一样。因此,在社会中,每个人都依赖别人的服务,而他自己也为满足别人所需作出贡献。

