Although he still has some problems to face, ______ his work has been successful.

admin2012-03-02  27

问题 Although he still has some problems to face, ______ his work has been successful.

选项 A、by and large
B、at short notice
C、in the long run
D、for good measure


解析 词组用法辨异。A) by and large“大体上,总的来说”,符合本题题意;B)at short notice“提前很短时间通知”:I’m sorry I can’t find you a car at such short notice.很抱歉,我没法这么急弄到一辆汽车。C)in the long run“从长远看,终究”;相关词组:in the short run从短期看,短期内;D)for good measure“另外,作为附加的东西”:After he weighed the apples,he put in another one for good measure.称好苹果后他又放人一个作为奉送。
