Kids whose moms were employed outside the home, a new study found, were more likely to have been hospitalized, had an asthma(哮喘)

admin2014-09-30  21

问题     Kids whose moms were employed outside the home, a new study found, were more likely to have been hospitalized, had an asthma(哮喘)attack or an injury or ingested something poisonous in the last year than kids whose moms weren’t working. Not just a little more likely—twice as likely.
    The findings, soon to be published in the Journal of Health Economics, contradict other research that has found the opposite: that working moms have healthier kids(Which contradicts other research, and so on...). The discrepancy is due to the way the researcher Melinda Sandler Morrill, an assistant professor of economics at North Carolina State University, sliced and diced the available data.
    Morrill looked at the health only of kids aged 7 to 17 who had a younger sibling of about kindergarten age, so that their moms were likely to be right on the cusp(尖端)of changing their working status. She also used other difficult-to-explain statistical techniques to try to make sure that the results she was seeing were due only to the fact that the mom was working, rather than anything else. If the same mother had not been working, what would the kids’ health have looked like?
    For example, she wanted to make sure that the mothers weren’t staying home because their children were frail, which would not skew(影响)the results. Also she wanted to make sure that the figures weren’t comparing a mother who was not good at multitasking with a mother who was.
    While the headline-friendly finding could produce handwringing among working moms and a quiet smile among those whose primary job is mothering, that’s not the intended result. "I’m not trying to make a statement," says Morrill. Rather, she’s striving for a more accurate picture than the current analyses can supply. "The study provides one more piece of evidence about what happens to children when mothers work. "
    It doesn’t seem all that surprising that school-kids whose mothers work suffer more health incidents of the kinds she suggests. Injuries, poisonings, asthma attacks would logically seem more likely to happen to children who are not being minutely supervised than to those who are.
    Morrill, who declined to say whether she had kids, acknowledges that this is a possible explanation. But she was quick to add that she couldn’t say where the kids in the study were when the incidents happened—with parents, grandparents or a nanny or at day care. And the study had no information about the long-term well-being of kids with moms in paid employment.
What is the possible influence of Morrill’s study according to the fifth paragraph?

选项 A、The finding of her study will easily hit the headlines.
B、The number of mothers working outside will decrease dramatically.
C、Women who choose to be housewives will have an inner conflict.
D、Mothers who work outside will rejoice secretly over their choices.


解析 细节推断题。由定位句中的the headline-friendly finding可以推断,这个研究结果很容易吸引媒体的注意,因此答案为A)。B)“在外工作的母亲的人数将急剧减少”,原文中并没有介绍这一研究结果对母亲的职业选择有何影响,故排除;C)“选择做全职主妇的女性将会面临内心冲突”,由定位句中的a quiet smileamong those whose primary job is mothering可以推断出,全职主妇在看到这一研究结果时是暗自庆幸的,故排除;D)“在外工作的母亲将会为自己的选择暗自庆幸”,相反,定位句中用handwringing表明工作的母亲在看到这一研究结果时焦虑不安,故排除D)。
