I would like to summarize the initial response to our recent early retirement proposal. It is no secret that this program aims t

admin2011-01-20  66

问题     I would like to summarize the initial response to our recent early retirement proposal. It is no secret that this program aims to reduce monthly salary costs, cut our health premiums, and increase our profits. Nevertheless, it has turned out to be very popular, especially among our most senior workers.


答案 I would like to sum|ma|rize the i|ni|tial re|sponse to our re|cent ear|ly re|tire|ment pro|po|sal. It is no se|cret that this pro|gram aims to re|duce month|ly sajlajry costs (↗), cut our health pre|mi|ums (↗), and increase our projfits (↘). Ne|ver|the|less, it has turned out to be very pop|u|lar, es|pe|cia|lly a|mong our most se|nior work|ers.

