Declining a Job Offer Write a letter of about 100 words based on the following situation: You have received a job offer

admin2017-02-18  38

问题     Declining a Job Offer
    Write a letter of about 100 words based on the following situation:
    You have received a job offer from the ABC Company. However, you are not going to work in that company. Write a letter to decline the offer and explain your reasons.
    Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address.


答案 Dear Sirs, Please accept my hearty gratitude for inviting me to join your company. However, I am afraid that I have to decline the opportunity. Yesterday I received the admission letter from Washington University for postgraduate study. I was so excited because getting a master’s degree is my dream. So I decide to continue my study. I believe that education is very important for a person. The more I learn, the better I can understand myself and the world. I hope you can understand my decision. Once again, thank you for your job offer. Wish your company a great success! Sincerely yours, Li Ming

解析     这是一封婉拒信,正式。要求语气委婉、表述清晰,不能含糊其辞。第一段感谢对方给予工作机会,同时表示婉拒。第二段解释拒绝的原因。第三段再次表示感谢,表达美好祝愿。
