The current economic downturn has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consume

admin2019-11-17  28

问题 The current economic downturn has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consumer magazines, especially if focusing on technology.

选项 A、has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consumer magazines, especially if focusing
B、has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals and for general consumer magazines, especially those focusing
C、significantly reduced advertising income for both business journals and for general consumer magazines, especially when focused
D、reduced both business journals’ and general consumer magazines’ advertising income significantly, especially if focused
E、reduced advertising income significantly for both business journals, as well as for general consumer magazines, especially those focusing


解析 Idiom; Grammatical construction; Parallelism
The sentence contains errors related to the use of both to signal coordination of two elements of the sentence. The correct idiom is both ... and, the phrase as well as is not interchangeable with and. Moreover, the elements meant to be coordinated are prepositional phrases, the first one being for business journals—but the preposition for is incorrectly omitted in the second element to be coordinated, a failure of required parallelism. The structure of the sentence suggests that the phrase especially if focusing on technology modifies the subject of the sentence, the current economic downturn. However, this is not the intended meaning. What is intended is a reference to a subclass of magazines (those that focus on technology).
A This contains multiple errors: incorrect coordination using both; omission of for in the second coordinated element; and a misplaced modifier especially if focusing on technology.
B Correct. This sentence correctly uses the idiom both ... and to coordinate two prepositional phrases and uses a well-structured participial phrase to identify a subclass of the class of general consumer magazines.
C The position of for, preceding rather than following both, is incorrect. This misleadingly suggests that just two business journals are being referred to and fails by incorrectly coordinating two structurally dissimilar elements, i.e., a noun phrase {both business journals) and a prepositional phrase {for general consumer magazines). The phrase especially when focused... seems to modify the sentence subject, but in content that reading fails to capture the intended meaning.
D The phrase especially if focused... seems to modify the sentence subject, but in context that reading fails to capture the intended meaning. The simple-past verb reduced instead of the past-perfect form has reduced does not go well with the reference to a "current" economic downturn. The past-perfect form indicates a past action that is carrying over to the present, and this meaning would be more appropriate.
E This variant makes it appear that just two unnamed business journals are being referred to, contrary to the clearly intended meaning of the sentence. The simple-past verb reduced instead of the past-perfect form has reduced does not go well with the reference to a "current" economic downturn.
The correct answer is B.
