As any human being knows, many factors govern whether people are happy or unhappy. External circumstances are important: employe

admin2021-09-17  33

问题    As any human being knows, many factors govern whether people are happy or unhappy. External circumstances are important: employed people are happier than unemployed ones and better-off people than poor ones. Age has a role, too. But personality is the single biggest determinant: extroverts are happier than introverts, and confident people happier than anxious ones.
   That personality, along with intelligence, is at least partly heritable is becoming increasingly clear; so, presumably, the tendency to be happy or miserable is, to some extent, passed on through DNA. To try to establish just what that extent is, a group of scientists examined over 1,000 pairs of twins from a huge study on the health of American adolescents. They conclude that about a third of the variation in people’s happiness is heritable.
   But while twin studies are useful for establishing the extent to which a characteristic is heritable, they do not finger the particular genes at work. One of the researchers, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, of University College, London, and the London School of Economics, has tried to do just that, by picking a popular suspect—the gene that encodes the serotonin-transporter protein, and examining how variants of that gene affect levels of happiness.
   Serotonin is involved in mood regulation. Serotonin transporters are crucial to this job. The serotonin-transporter gene comes in two functional variants—long and short. People have two versions (known as alleles). The adolescents in Dr. De Neve’s study were asked to grade themselves from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. Dr. De Neve found that those with one long allele were 8% more likely than those with none to describe themselves as very satisfied; those with two long alleles were 17% more likely.
   Which is interesting. Where the story could become controversial is when the ethnic origins of the volunteers are taken into account. All were Americans, but they were asked to classify themselves by race as well. On average, the Asian Americans in the sample had 0.69 long genes, the black Americans had 1.47 and the white Americans had 1.12.
   There is growing interest in the study of happiness, not just among geneticists but also among economists and policymakers dissatisfied with current ways of measuring humanity’s achievements. Future work in this field will be read avidly in those circles.

What is implied in "Age has a role, too" in Paragraph 1?

选项 A、The middle-aged are happier than the old.
B、The middle-aged are happier than the young.
C、The middle-aged are happier than the young and the old.
D、The young and the old are happier than the middle-aged.


解析 推断题。根据题干关键词定位到第一段第三句,该句意为“年龄也是一个因素”,它呼应了第一段对决定幸福的因素的举例。从第一段可总结出“就业人群”“富裕阶层”和“性格外向的人”更幸福,同时根据常识可推断出:年轻人相对无忧无虑,对生活满怀憧憬,幸福感强烈;老年人可能更容易满足,因为他们学会了满足现状,幸福感增强而中年人上有老下有小,养家压力增大,且事业发展处于关键时期,压力增大,幸福感减弱。故D项正确。
