A、Bemuse nine is an odd number. B、Because the elevator got stuck. C、Bemuse there are too many people in the elevator. D、Because

admin2010-02-26  28

M: If you had signaled your intention to turn a little sooner, this wouldn’t have happened!
W: But I signaled in time! Just look at the mess you’ve made of my car! You were driving carelessly and your speed was above the limit! You’re the one who’s to blame!
Q: What are they talking about?
M: Does this elevator stop on every floor?
W: No, it stops only on the even ones. If you want an odd one, go to the even one above it and then walk down.
Q: Why won’t the elevator stop on the ninth floor?

选项 A、Bemuse nine is an odd number.
B、Because the elevator got stuck.
C、Bemuse there are too many people in the elevator.
D、Because the elevator couldn’t go to the floors above eight floor.


解析 男士说“这电梯每层都停吗?”女士说“不,只是偶数层停。”该题问“电梯为什么在九层不停”。谈话中说到偶数层才停,九是奇数,所以不停。因此选项[A]“因为九是奇数”为正确答案。
