下面是某英语教师在写作课的教学片段,阅读并回答问题。 Tell students we would write an article for our favorite sports, and the topic is about sports.

admin2018-04-19  68

问题 下面是某英语教师在写作课的教学片段,阅读并回答问题。
   Tell students we would write an article for our favorite sports, and the topic is about sports.
   Show students a model article on the screen and lead them to find out the format of an article: main heading, smaller heading and the body.
   Run a brainstorming activity: show some pictures about the sports and the famous athletes. Ask students the questions as follows.
   Why are you interested in that sport?
   Who is your favorite athlete?
   What do you do to improve your skills?
   Then I would ask them to have a discussion about the above questions. They can change their ideas with their partners and find out the similarities and differences. Then choose one idea to write with. After the discussion, I would pick some students to report their topics at the front.


答案 (1)该片段集中于写作思路的产生和形成,属于写前环节,体现了重过程的写作教学模式,主要过程包括:产生写作动机、头脑风暴、词汇思路、自由写作、列出大纲、写出草稿、修改、提高、校对和讨论等。 (2)写作教学需要体现过程性原则、交际性原则、整体性原则等。 过程性原则要使写作任务过程化,不能只注重结果,要注重整个过程的有效展开,包括写作前、写草稿、编辑修改、校读、公布于众;交际性原则要将交际性引入写作教学中,要给学生交际的机会,使其在交际中获得乐趣,在写前活动和修改活动中尽可能采用小组活动和同伴活动,增加学生间的交流;整体性原则要把写作教学与听、说、读有机结合起来。 该教学片段在写前环节先引导学生学习范文,总结写作的格式、范文的主题等,再通过头脑风暴进行讨论.为学生进行格式、内容、话题、词句等的输入,体现了过程性原则、交际性原则和整体性原则。 (3)在写前环节中,教师向学生明确了写前的活动和任务,使学生明确知道自己要干什么,体现了教学活动的组织者的角色。教师向学生布置完讨论任务后,深入其活动,了解其进程,并选出好的典型进行展示,有效地调控全体学生的学习积极性、学习进程和学习的高效性等,体现了课堂教学的调控者的角色。最后,该教学片段在写前环节先引导学生学习范文,总结写作的格式、范文的主题等,再通过头脑风暴进行讨论,为学生进行格式、内容、话题、词句等的输入,为学生营造了学习英语的语言环境,使学生能够更有效地学习和使用目的语,体现了语言环境的营造者的角色。

