Scientists study the world in which we live. They do this by curiosity and they can become excited upon making novel discoveries

admin2015-11-27  13

问题 Scientists study the world in which we live. They do this by curiosity and they can become excited upon making novel discoveries and by finding means to explain yet unsolved questions. But scientists are normally not selfish; they like to share their excitement with other people. They publish their findings so that these become widely accessible to all those interested.
In fact, they communicate their results also in their own interest. Scientists are eager to talk with other scientists working on the same and similar problems. By exchanging results and ideas, they have a better chance of success and they can reach their goal more rapidly. Most often the objectives of their study, being it in the fields of physics, chemistry or biology, share the same properties anywhere in the world. The laws of nature are the same in Europe and in China. For this simple reason the dialogue between scientists does not stop at political borders. Wherever in the world a scientist finds a colleague exploring the same problem, an exchange of their knowledge can help them to advance their studies. For these reasons international collaboration between scientists is flourishing.


答案科学家研究我们生存的这个世界,他们受好奇心的驱使,去探索未知的一切;他们可以为获得了新的发现和找到了解决问题的方法而兴奋不已。但科学家一般都不自私,他们愿意与别人一同分享他们的欢乐。科学家把他们的发现公之于世,以便与所有感兴趣的人共享。 事实上,科学家交流科学成果也有益于自己。他们渴望与从事同样或类似研究的其他科学家进行交流。通过研究成果与研究思想的交流,科学家获得成功的机会就会变得更大,能够更快地实现自己的目标。多数情况下,在世界的任何地方,在物理学、化学或生物学领域方面,科学家的研究目标都有共性。因为不管是在欧洲,还是在中国,自然规律都是一样的。因此,科学家之间的对话不会因政治观点不同而停止下来。在任何地方,科学家只要找到一位进行同一课题研究的同行,他们之间就会进行交流,这将有助于推进他们的研究。正是基于这些原因,目前国际上科学家之间的交流与合作非常活跃。

解析 1.第一段第一句比较短,如果不考虑与下文的衔接,单独翻译成“科学家研究我们所生活的这个世界”则显得有些突兀。因此,应与第二句结合,使语义贯通。
4.第一段第四句中so that these become widely accessible to all those interested这一从句中主语是these,指的是“科学发现”,在翻译时用被动结构才能与上文更好地衔接。
5.第二段第二句中other scientists working on the same and similar problems包含分词结构作定语,应翻译为“从事同样或类似研究的”,用来修饰scientists。
6.第二段第四句中Most often应译为“多数情况下”;插入语成分being it in the fields of physics,chemistry or biology提到句子主干前翻译,更加符合汉语语言习惯。
9.最后一句中的For these reasons翻译为“正是基于这些原因”能够更好地与上一句衔接。flourishing译为“非常活跃”。
