When was An American Dictionary of the English Language published? According to the author, Webster’s purpose in writing An Ame

admin2009-07-15  42

问题 When was An American Dictionary of the English Language published?
According to the author, Webster’s purpose in writing An American Dictionary of the English Language was to ______.

选项 A、respond to the need for new schoolbooks
B、demonstrate the distinct development of the English language in America
C、promote spelling forms based on British models
D、influence the pronunciation of the English language


解析 根据文章Webster’s purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronunciations,and spellings from those Of British English.可以得知: Webster编写这部字典的目的就是为了表明美国英语逐步形成与英国英语明显不同的意义,发音和拼写。可以判断答案为[B]。
