A、Paying off Christmas bills. B、Trying to earn more money. C、Preparing for Christmas. D、Limiting his wife’s expense. C

admin2018-01-24  24

W: Are you all ready for Christmas?
M: No, I haven’t even started. I’ve done zero shopping.
W: Well, [8]you’d better get going. [9]Christmas is only a week away.
M: I have to tell you that [10]I’m one of those people who really get stressed out by the Christmas rush.
W: Oh, I’m not I love the holidays. I love the crowds, the shopping, the holidays, the music, the food, the parties, and all the presents.
M: [10]That’s just the beginning. My wife always spends too much money on Christmas. That takes me till April to pay off all our Christmas bills.
W: Don’t be a miser about it. Think about your kids. Didn’t you use to love Christmas when you were a kid?
M: I guess so. I don’t remember.
W: I know you did You know, maybe Christmas is for kids, but you can still enjoy it through the eyes of your children
M: [10]Well, kids enjoy it because they don’t have to do all the shopping and pay all the bills.
W: Maybe that’s true. [8]But you know as well as I do, that Christmas is more than shopping and trees. It’s about what’s in your heart and how you can make others happy.
M: You’re right. You’re absolutely right. [11]I’m going to try harder to be nice to people and try to keep the true spirit of Christmas in my heart.
W: I’m glad to hear it.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8. What does the woman try to do in the conversation?
9. When does the conversation take place?
10. What is the man’s feeling about Christmas?
11. What will the man most probably do after the conversation?

选项 A、Paying off Christmas bills.
B、Trying to earn more money.
C、Preparing for Christmas.
D、Limiting his wife’s expense.


