A. The children’s programs. B. It got some quite good reviews. C. It won’t take up much of your time. D. I think we need more in

admin2019-11-11  2

问题 A. The children’s programs.
B. It got some quite good reviews.
C. It won’t take up much of your time.
D. I think we need more international news
Visitor: Good morning, Madam! I’m from the local TV center and we’re doing a survey on the popularity of different programs. I’d like to ask you a few questions on your family’s viewing habits. Do you mind?
Mrs. Sears: No, I don’t, but I’m rather busy at the moment.
Visitor: 【D7】______Have you got a color TV?
Mrs. Sears: Yes, we have.
Visitor: And can you tell me how many hours you watch each day, on average?
Mrs. Sears: Well, I suppose about three, three or four.
Visitor: Does anybody watch TV before 7 p. m. ?
Mrs. Sears: Yes, my son Ben does. 【D8】______
Visitor: And do you find them fully suitable for your child?
Mrs. Sears: Yes, I do. When I have time, I watch them with him.
Visitor: What about adult viewing? Films? Did you follow the recent detective series on Fridays at 9?
Mrs. Sears: Yes, we did. But we didn’t enjoy it very much. It’s all about mentally sick and crazy people.
Visitor: You didn’t? How surprising! 【D9】______Well, how about programs of current interest, politics, news commentaries, etc. ? I expect you and your husband can usually find time to keep up with the news?
Mrs. Sears: Yes, that’s true. My husband is interested in discussion forums—slave issue, prison reform, gun control—whatever under discussion. 【D10】______, rather than news about the Queen, the Duchesses and other people of noble blood.

选项 A、 


解析     这段对话是地方电视台的调查员登门调查观众喜爱什么样的节目。首先,应该明确四个答案选项的语法功能和语义。A选项是名词词组,语义是:儿童节目。B选项是完整句,意思是:它获得了很好的评价。C选项是完整句,意思是:不会占用您太多的时间。D选项是主从复合句,意思是:我觉得国际新闻应该再多点。
    其次,认真阅读对话,特别是仔细体会空白处的上下文的语义。首先第7题位于对话的开头,而且根据它前面的被采访者说的I’m rather busy at the moment(我现在很忙),以及后面来访者直接提出具体的问题可以判断居于中间的第7题正确答案应该是C。根据第8题前面的Yes,my son Ben does(是的,我儿子本看)以及后面的来访者的问题And do you find them fully suitable for your child(您觉得这些节目适合您孩子看吗),本题的正确答案是A,介绍儿子看的什么节目,后面问题中的them指代的就是The children’s programs。根据第9题前面的对话内容,在听到被采访者不喜欢最近9点播放的侦探故事时,来访者觉得很惊讶,本题的正确答案应该是B,解释了他吃惊的原因。根据第10题后面的rather than news about the Queen,the Duchesses and other people of noble blood(而不是关于女王、公爵夫人或者其他的贵族的新闻),本题的正确答案应该是D,其中rather than(而不是)是表达对比关系的常用词组。
