I was walking through the village Saturday night. Part of my stroll took me across the newly completed bridge that binds togethe

admin2013-10-08  60

问题     I was walking through the village Saturday night. Part of my stroll took me across the newly completed bridge that binds together the two halves of Winnetka. It was early in the evening and the weather was almost British. Fog clung to the wet surface of the streets as drizzle gathered out of the cool night air. I was alone on the sidewalk. The only noise was the tread of an occasional car as it made a sound that resembled the tearing of paper. My view was directed south by the axis of track leading toward the city of Chicago. At the distance of a short city block stood the train station perched in darkness on the edge of the ravine, while below the tracks were illuminated in the amber glow of vapor lamps. On the weekends the train schedule is much reduced so the station stood there just as empty and quiet as the tracks below.


答案 星期六的晚上.我一个人在村子里闲逛。期间我经过一座刚刚完工不久的桥,这座桥将温尼卡的两个区连接在一起。当时夜幕刚刚降临。天气就跟英国一样,雾气笼罩在潮湿的街面上,就像寒夜里下起了毛毛雨一样。我独自一人走在人行道上.唯一能听到的是偶尔经过的汽车声,车轮压地的摩擦声就像撕纸的声音一样。南方一条通往芝加哥的铁轨吸引了我的注意力。火车站就在附近,只隔着一个狭窄的街区,坐落在峡谷边缘的黑暗角落里,而进站方向的铁轨在琥珀色的蒸汽灯照耀下却显得灯火通明。因为是周末,列车的车次被大大缩减,车站,就像下面的铁轨一样空荡而安静。

解析 1.Part of my stroll took me…此句为拟人,不可按字面生硬翻译,可将原来的主语Part of my stroll转换成状语,主语换成“我”,译作“散步期间.我……”
2.the weather was almost British指的是“天气就跟英国的一样”。
4.My view was directed south by…翻译此句时可以将被动句变为主动句,更符合汉语的行文习惯,故可译成“……吸引了我的注意力”。
