A、Booking a theatre ticket. B、Reserving a room. C、Booking an air ticket. D、Reserving a seat. C根据文中开头提示信息“Will you book a plane t

admin2021-03-12  22

M : Good morning. Will you book a plane ticket to London for me?
W:Yes, sir. What time would you like to leave?
M:Next Tuesday, if possible.
W:That’ll be the 21st of December.
M:Yes, that’s right.
W:There are several flights available.
M:Would you check what flights are available on the 21st of December?
W:All right. Let me check it over.
M:Morning flights will be perfect.
W:Yes, sir. There is a flight available on that day, at 10:00 a.m.
M:Fine. I’ll take that flight, then.
W:10:00 a. m. I’ll fix your ticket.
M:When do I check in?
W:You must be there by 9:00 a. m.
M:Thank you.
9 : What does the conversation talk about?
10 : What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、Booking a theatre ticket.
B、Reserving a room.
C、Booking an air ticket.
D、Reserving a seat.


解析 根据文中开头提示信息“Will you book a plane ticket to London for me?”这一关键句可知,男士准备订飞机票,故选C。
